6th Annual Harris Community Works Holiday Caravan

T.I.'s Harris Community Works, a subsidiary of Us or Else Corp (501c3), partners with a host of organizations for this year's 3-day harris Community Works Holiday Caravan

America’s security force can and will escalate violence to the point of beating a defenseless woman — over a dispute about cheese.

Instead of allowing the woman to leave — as no crime had been committed — the video shows police escalated to violence instead.

Today, Peyton Gendron, the racists who slaughtered blacks at a Buffalo, NY grocery store, received life in prison. This sentence cannot bring the innocent victims back, “justice” has been served.

Let’s remember the families of the victims in our prayers.

We pray this doesn’t lead to more vigilante like George Zimmerman

Repost: Chuck D

Natchez, Mississippi built a concentration camp to hold newly freed slaves against their will!! Over 20,000 freed slaves died!

We want to preserve this land and teach our communities about this part of our history. Sign the petition to get these freed slaves the respect they deserve!

Ralph Yarl accidentally rang the doorbell of the wrong house in KCMO. He was trying to pick up his younger siblings. The white owner of the house shot this black child in the head. He shot him again as Ralph bled out. Demand Prosecutor Zachary Thompson make an arrest and bring the appropriate charges! (816) 736-8300 Extension: #8302

Dexter Barry was neglected by the Duval County Jail which lead to his death! He told police upon his MISDEMEANOR arrest, that if he did not take his MEDICATION for his HEART TRANSPLANT, his heart would fail and he would die.

Call the Duval County District Attorney’s Office and demand charges be brought against this facility for his death.

Yoland Irving and Kenya Walton’s homes were violated by police when they executed a search warrant FOR THE WRONG HOUSES WHILE POINTING GUNS AT KIDS IN THE HOME

They have yet to make amends for the terror they caused on these two families, and something must be done. Call the East Raleigh police chief at 919-996-1262 and demand that the proper action be taken!

Verified Evan Lee’s family deserves answers! Texas Rangers told the family that he died from blunt force trauma to the head while in the custody of the Harris County Jail. Call the Harris County Sheriff’s Office at 713-221-6000 and demand that the family receive an autopsy or information on the circumstances of Evan Lee’s death.

Ajike Owens was murdered by her neighbor! While charges have been brought, we need you to call the Ocala district attorney’s office at 352-671-5800 and demand that FIRST DEGREE MURDER charges be brought, NOT manslaughter!

Susan deserves the highest penalty of punishment for this senseless crime!

4 Black Harvard students were held at gunpoint by campus police after responding to a false 911 call even though it was clear the young students posed no threat once the officers made contact!

If these students were white would the police have held them at gunpoint?!

Parts of African American history are banned in Florida & diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) is illegal in Texas. This is America.

We need something different. “In a memo written Monday and obtained by The Texas Tribune, Abbott’s chief of staff Gardner Pate told agency leaders that using diversity, equity and inclusion policies in hiring violates federal and state employment laws, and hiring cannot be based on factors “other than merit.”

These black farmers are being harassed and having white people kill their livestock and try to drive them off their land. Because of all the complaints against them they’ve been arrested. The @naacp has bailed them out, but we must do something to support them as they fight against terrorism and oppression to keep what is rightfully theirs and make a living for their family.

Contact the sheriff @epcsheriff or call 719-520-7100 and demand they be released!

Verified Imagine committing two nonviolent crimes and then serving LIFE IN PRISON over $9!!! Willie Simmons has been in prison for 38 years for stealing $9!!!!

We have to help Willie get representation so he can fight his case and breathe free air before it’s too late! Sign the petition at

The boyfriend of #BreonnaTaylor who fired a shot at police as they burst through Taylor’s door the night she was killed has settled two lawsuits against the city of Louisville, his attorneys said.

The city agreed to pay $2 million to settle lawsuits filed by him in federal and state court, one of his attorneys, Steve Romines, said in a statement. 🙏🏽

Imagine your mother just passed. Suicidal thoughts can happen to many. Your family calls the police to get YOU help and somehow, a shot is fired and you end up dead.

The family deserves to see police body cam footage so Desman's final moments are clear and proper. Call Chief of Police Todd Justice so the right thing can be done.

Imagine you are playing outside and a man grabs you by your neck and holds you while he calls the cops. That's what happened to this young man! Robert Walczykowski must be arrested and have charges filed against him for assault!

Call Milwaukee chief of police, Jeffrey Norman
click the link below.

The family of Jaheim deserve to know the truth. Justice cannot be served if the body cam footage of that night is not released. What we do is 15-year old Jaheim Mcmillian lost his life at the hands of police. What we don't know is the circumstances surrounding the shooting.

Imagine being in a car for a nice drive with your girlfriend and a truck tries to run you off the road to kill you. How would you defend yourself? Marc Wilson, pulled out his LEGALLY REGISTERED weapon to defend himself and should not have been sentenced to 10 years for defending himself. Call the GA Attorney General and demand the charges be reduced.

One day he was trying to escape from racist bullies, tried to jump a fence and sliced his finger in two. After a SIX HOUR surgery, the doctors were forced to amputate his finger!

Jayland Walker: 25-years old, No prior criminal record, Flees from the police during a traffic stop, 8 officers with a duty to protect and serve, Shot 60 times and killed. We want justice for this family. Unloading 90 shots is OVERKILL!

We Demand They Release the Body Cam Footage!

Using rap lyrics that are made FOR ENTERTAINMENT should not be used to prosecute artists in criminal cases. It’s a sad day when prosecutors feel they need to use the lyrics of a song to prove criminal involvement instead of actual evidence!

Little Rock police officers killed Terence "Tee" Caffey despite him saying "I Can't Breathe" multiple times. The Chief Medical Examiner ruled this a HOMICIDE. The Prosecutors in Little Rock decided that no officers were liable for Terence's death and decided not to present the evidence to the Grand Jury. Demand that the evidence is presented to the Grand Jury so that the PEOPLE can decide who is responsible for the death of Terence Caffey.

@troubleman31 went to Tulsa, and visited the @greenwoodculturalcenter on the location of Black Wall Street.

6th Annual Harris Community Works Holiday Caravan

T.I.'s Harris Community Works, a subsidiary of Us or Else Corp (501c3), partners with a host of organizations for this year's 3-day Harris Community Works Holiday Caravan

Harris Community Works Holiday Caravan

T.I.'s Harris Community Works, a subsidiary of Us or Else Corp (501c3), partners with a host of organizations for this year's 3-day Harris Community Works Holiday Caravan

Harris Community Works' 16th Annual Turkey Giveaway Hosted by Founder TIP "T.I." Harris

ATLANTA, GA (11/24/21) - T.I.’s Harris Community Works, a subsidiary of Us or Else Corp (501c3), hosted the 16th Annual Turkey Giveaway and distributed over 1,000 turkeys and produce to underserved families and seniors in Atlanta’s Westside community.

ATLANTA, GA (November 24, 2021) - T.I.’s Harris Community Works, a subsidiary of Us or Else Corp (501c3), hosted the 16th Annual Turkey Giveaway and distributed over 1,000 turkeys and produce to underserved families and seniors in Atlanta’s Westside community.

The police officers and paramedics involved in the murder of Elijah McClain have been indicted.

This will never bring Elijah back but we hope this is one step closer to no more posts about young black men being killed for things like walking or dancing

Justice for Julius Jones

Although the Oklahoma parole board recommended clemency for Julius Jones, ONLY governor Stitt can stop his execution. Contact the governor today! Call 405.521.2342

The police officers and paramedics involved in the murder of Elijah McClain have been indicted.

This will never bring Elijah back but we hope this is one step closer to no more posts about young black men being killed for things like walking or dancing

Voter Suppression Has Never Went Away. Informational Video Is Above

International Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Slavery & the Transatlantic Slave Trade​

Haiti has been struck with a devastating 7.2 magnitude earthquake that has left at least 700 dead and thousands more injured.

The country, still in the shadow of the assassination of their president, scrabbles to coordinate aid response. We must do all we can to lift Haiti up during this incredibly difficult time! Keep Haiti in your prayers, and consider donating to these two incredible Haitian-run organizations

Haiti has been struck with a devastating 7.2 magnitude earthquake that has left at least 700 dead and thousands more injured.

The country, still in the shadow of the assassination of their president, scrabbles to coordinate aid response. We must do all we can to lift Haiti up during this incredibly difficult time! Keep Haiti in your prayers, and consider donating to these two incredible Haitian-run organizations

In partnership with Tops, the National Compassion Fund has established the Buffalo 5/14 Survivors Fund to provide direct financial assistance to the survivors of the deceased and those directly affected by this tragedy.

We stand with everyone fighting racism. We applaud Brian Flores for being willing to put his career on the line to fight for institutional change. The NFL currently has 32 teams 1,696 players 57.5% black 0 black owners 1 black head coach This must change.

Oklahoma is trying to violate women by putting a ban on all abortions unless the women could die. This Bill cannot be passed! Call Governor Stitt’s office to oppose this bill at
(405) 521 - 2342

There will be no charges filed against the officers who murdered Amir Locke. How can a cop break into a home, and shoot and kill a sleeping black person and face no consequences in 2022? Contact Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison and Hennepin County Attorney Michael Freeman - let them know how outraged you are! (800) 657-3787

10 Year-old autistic girl commits suicide because she was racially bullied by teacher and students in a Utah School District the DOJ says intentionally ignores racial harassment.

Demand the DOJ Investigate and Charge all the Officers who Murdered Breonna Taylor

Nearly two years have passed — and not one single person has been held accountable for the murder of Breonna Taylor.

Justice for Leonard Coleman

Ten years ago, Leonard Coleman received a life sentence in Mobile, Alabama for a crime another man confessed to committing. Help Free a Good & Innocent Man - Wrongfully Incarcerated by Mobile County Court & DA

First you take MLK’s “I Have a Dream” speech out of curriculum and now teachers don’t have to teach that the KKK was morally wrong!

Justice for MaryLee Breon Robinson

St. Charles Parish (LA) Sheriff's Dep. Henry Sill threw MaryLee Breon Robinson against a building and repeatedly punched her for allegedly "interfering" & recording her brother's arrest. He Must Be Fired!

Call the Sheriff’s office today (985) 783-1280

Stop Racial Profiling

These Bridgewater police officers should be fired and held accountable for racial profiling. Contact Paul S Payne- police chief and let him know you are outraged. 908-722-4111

(Although the “white” boy is Latino, his light skin make him appear as white to onlookers. )

Justice for Leonard Coleman

Ten years ago, Leonard Coleman received a life sentence in Mobile, Alabama for a crime another man confessed to committing. On January 26, 2022, the Judge will decide if Coleman will be granted a hearing to determine if the case will be reopened.

Justice for Harold and Anthony!